Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Saw that he died just before I went to sleep yesterday.... Gabi was the singer and co-founder, with Robert Görl, of the electronic band Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. I've been a big fan of their work since I was around 15 years of age and if I had to make short list of say 10 albums that influenced me the most their first two albums Product Der Deutch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft and Die Kleinen und Die Bosen would be on that list (together with Metabolist's Hansten Klork, The Gang Of Four's Entertainment, the Black & White album from The Stranglers and Deceit from This Heat)....
So in honor of Gabi Delgado here's their fantastic album Die Kleine und Die Bosen.... Produced by the great Conny Plank, who, once, said nah thanks, not interested, when David Bowie asked him to work with him. He said the same thing to Bono :)
Rest In Peace Gabi Delgado-Lopez!!!!
You can find more from D.A.F./Gabi Delgado-Lopez at Jonny Zchivago's fantastic blog here: http://dieordiy2.blogspot.com/
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