Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Can't find any info about this one, Sina Records was from Singapore, sounds a bit like Simon Junior(who was signed with Sina Records) and the sound quality is pretty bad.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!


  1. hi there Henk this singer name is 林忠 Lin Zhong never heard of him but this should be interesting to find out!

  2. Thanks :) Interesting, and he's singing in English... What puzzles me is that the sound quality is so bad, Sina Records was putting out loads of stuff in the 60's and 70's and usually good quality....

    1. Actually i have hear the songs he is singing in Mandarin.

  3. Hello Henk, how are you?

    Do you have confinement in Indonesia?
    I hope all is fine for your family and friends.

    My friend Jing translate some details from this disc:

    perhaps released in 1969

    林忠 Lin Zhong

    情親 Qing Qin (Affection) S45t Sina - HB 166

    A1- 街燈下 Jie Deng Xia (Under The Street Light)
    A2- 不要問我 Bu Yao Wen Wo (Don't Ask Me)

    B1- 阿哥哥 A Ge Ge (Little Brother) (but he is talking about the girl he loves and not cause it's possible to say "Little Brother")
    B2- 我癡迷的望著你 Wo Chi Mi De Wang Zhe Ni (I'm Watching With Full Of Love)

    I like very much this disc even the sound of this copy is not very good.

    Merci pour tout


  4. Thanks :) Yeah we had a three month total lock down last year and it destroyed many many businesses, all over Bandung there are places for sale and rent, millions went into unemployment, criminality is at an all time high, you really don't go out at night, too many stick-ups etc., don't think they'll be foolish enough to try and do that again because I think a real revolution would break out, we're kind of on the brink as it is now.... Somehow we're not experiencing what's happening in the West and say Brazil here, I mean, people get sick, people die but it's nowhere near the numbers as elsewhere, no explanation for it but I would guess that most people that get it just go through it rather than going to an (expensive) doctor, it's..... weird....

  5. Whouaaa it's terrible what you are saying, no journalist talk about this. Perhaps in searching specially, but it's very sad to know that the world continue his road and makes like if nothing hard happened there. Thank you Henk to share the situation to let know what's happening. And now? The virus continue to contamine a lot of people? I hope the situation is better than last year with the illness, and I hope the social consequences will help to change. I hope for you the best and for all Indonesian!

  6. Well... the stuff I see coming out of Holland, Germany.... France.... pffff.... not good either.....

    I'm hoping we won't have another '98 here, the downfall of Suharto and the riots and the plunder and the murder that was happening here, I survived that and it was kind of a wonder how I survived that I was really in the middle of it all, really, in the middle of it all, wandering through Jakarta burning and being looted all by myself, having the windows of the taxi I was in being smashed by demonstrators and miraculously escaping thanks to the drivers quick thinking, finding myself at a train station and the train unable to go on because the whole Purwakarta station was on fire, that English couple and their daughter who was maybe 4, saw them later on tv, being dragged out of a taxi, beaten terribly and robbed, a madhouse trip with another taxi driver who was at least 300 pounds through burning Jakarta, finding my way to the airport somehow, back within 2 weeks to be with my family and the crazy, crazy times then, crazy times now.... And now, a time of choice, for all of us, each and everybody, really, a time of awakening (they say) but mostly what I see is confusion, people, often friends for 20, 30, 40 years that are cussing each other out on social media and blocking, unfriending each other, these endless discussions that I don't take part in about yes vaccination or no vaccination and on and on and on... Crazy times....
