Saturday, April 24, 2021

O M A R K H O R S H I D - T R I B U T E T O O U M K O U L S O U M

Here's an incredible cassette from Egyptian guitar wizard and composer O ma r Kh or shid, he used to play guitar in Oum Koulsoum's orchestra for a while.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!


  1. Welcome Tim, this one blew me away :)

  2. Many thanks Henk
    He visited my home town in 1981 but i didn't get to see him.
    Excerpt from:
    "In May of 1981 Omar came with his group to Australia and his first show at the Sydney Town Hall was a raging success attracting many ex-pats from Egypt but also locally born Australians. A second show was equally successful and his unique and fantastic playing on his Fender guitar received acclaim and he began appearing on local and national TV programs.

    However personal issues involving his marriage meant that Omah could not stay any longer having to return to Egypt to get his personal matters dealt with, but he was committed to returning as soon as possible.

    Just 72 hours after arriving back in Cairo, Omar Khorshid was driving in a car with a girl friend when he lost control of the car and crashed into a light pole. His girl friend Dina, survived the accident with major injuries but Omar was ejected from the car suffering neck and spine injuries which killed him instantly.

    So it was that this bright and talented man’s life and career came to a sudden and unexpected halt."

  3. Welcome! Yes, I did read that he died very young but I didn't know in what matter, that's just terrible :( This cassette really blew me away, hoping I will find more of his music in the future, and there is the music when he was in Oum Kalsoum's orchestra of course :)
