Saturday, November 6, 2021


Here's an album from Vivi Sumanti and Lily Junaedhy with Eka Sapta.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!


  1. Vivi Sumanti is one of Indonesian music's jewels. And one of the things I love about her, besides her voice is what she chooses to sing. The melodies, the rhythms, the musicians she works with. She's a natural Rocker too. Big time. It sort of drives me crazy that nearly every single music lover in the West haven't got the slightest idea what's going on in other languages. Or what used to go on. Anyway. These Vivi Sumanti recordings that I have duplicates of aren't nearly as good quality as these. And there's so many of them. I'm replacing everything, and hearing stuff I never heard before, so thanks, Henk. Really. Thanks.

  2. Welcome buddy :) Some albums that I never posted before.... Also, I never realized that she did so much with Eka Sapta, and Eka Sapta really were amazing, maybe the best band of all of them in that time period, I think those guys could do ANYTHING, which gave me the idea, just now, to check if all the Eka Sapta links were still good, turns out I gotta redo some of their albums so thanks for that :) Seems I'm mostly regurgitating stuff now, it's ok, there really is nothing to find anymore, every now and then a few cassettes, vinyl, forget it, it's been ages since I saw any Indonesian vinyl for sale, and if there is, every now and then, they're asking prices that I just can't afford, I mean, 50, 60 bucks for a record??? But anyway, happy you're happy, lemme look what other 60's female singer I can redo :)

    1. I'm grabbing stuff here every single day. I've got external drives now to handle it all, and I'm finding new stuff all the time.

      And Asia is a big place.
