Monday, September 9, 2024


Can't find any info about this one, it's probably the Guangmai Chamber Orchestra, I posted an album from them, in this same series around a year ago.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. 光美室內樂團 – 古箏演奏曲 2
    Koumi Chamber Orchestra - Guzheng Performance 2

    01 長城謠 Ballad of the Great Wall
    02 馬車夫之戀 The Coachman's Love
    03 蘇武牧羊 Su Wu Shepherds the Sheep
    04 滿江紅 Man Jiang Hong
    05 康定情歌 Kangding Love Song
    06 繡荷包 Embroidered Lotus Bag
    07 掀起你的蓋頭來 Lift Your Lid
    08 茉莉花 Jasmine
    09 虹彩妹妹 Rainbow Sister
    10 在那遙遠的地方 In That Faraway Place
    11 鳳陽花鼓 Fengyang Flower Drum
    12 青春舞曲 Youth Dance
    13 沙里紅巴 Sharihongba
    14 杜鵑花 Azalea

    MRHI aka 余错了Yú cuòle
