Saturday, January 4, 2020


Just as I was getting ready to go to bed yesterday night, around half to four I got the news, Pak Gugum Gumbira just passed away. I immediately jumped on my bike and went to his house, not that many people there yet but as time went by the place filled up, and when we got to Majalaya there was a huge crowd, and he was laid to rest next to his wife, Ibu Euis Komariah....

We lost one of the true greats today.....

Innalillahiwainnaillaihi roji’un.....

Rest In Peace Pak Gugum.....


  1. Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. Turut berduka Cita. Semoga Almarhum Diterima di Sisi - Nya. Amiin. Terima Kasih info nya

  2. Thank you for sharing this sad news, Henk; it's truly the passing of one of the absolute legends. It's very powerful to be able to see this photo documentation of the whole process, and nice to see some old friends appearing in them; thank you so much for posting these - it means a lot. Rest in peace, Pak Gugum.

  3. Welcome, I'll be going to the prayer meetings at his house this week too....

  4. Thanks for sharing your documentary photos of Pak Gugum's funeral, Henk.

    With respect and gratitude for his single-minded advocacy of Sundanese traditional performing arts,

    Andrew Timar
    Toronto, Canada

  5. You're welcome Andrew, it was a very emotional happening, we all loved Pak Gumum very much, I will really miss having these incredible conversations with him.....

  6. I will never forget, about a year ago, Ismet called me, Pak Gugum wants you to come to his place tomorrow morning, so I went there, expecting some kind of musical happening, instead is was just Ismet and Pak Gugum sitting there, and we talked, talked and talked, till late at night, about his life, about losing his wife, about developing jaipongan, about success, about everything, it was just amazing, we created this open space where everything could be talked about, we talked for hours about all those forgotten artists from yesteryear and I know he enjoyed it a lot, not a lot of folks who could go as deep as me and Pak Gugum when it comes to all those forgotten sinden :)

  7. Henk, thank you for posting this. I felt like I knew him in many ways, recording in Java, and with Euis being a friend and a collaborator. This is hard news but comforting to read and see pictures of the occasion. Hope you're well. Kai

  8. Hey Kai, yeah this one was a hard one, his whole generation is leaving us now :(
