All these AKA rips I'm posting are not mine. They were send to me some time ago by a grateful visitor here and I'm very glad he did that. It's just impossible to find any AKA album now, and trust me, I tried. I've had some of them offered to me but the prices are just ridiculous. I guess most copies are outside Indonesia now, which, in my view is a crying shame....
Recently Strawberry Rain from Canada has been putting out some great 70's Indonesian stuff, beautifully re-mastered too, The AKA Hard Beat cd and just now a Benny Soebardja anthology (can't wait to get my hands on that one!)and I think it's a wonderful thing that they are doing that, records are impossibly scarce now, AKA is not the only group that's just impossible to find, trust me, and with the way things are going with internet, megaupload, the FBI and all that stuff, well, I think it's a good thing stuff is being re-released. Guru Gypsy was re-released in Germany (and those records go for quiet a lot of money here too now, the German ones that is)and also locally, here in Indonesia a lot is being re-released, Bravo Music for example has put out some very good old albums from Golden Wing, Superkid, Freedom Of Rhapsodia, The Rhythm Kings and soon they're re-releasing Giant Step's Mark-1 album. It's good that that is happening. I would like to see the same kind of thing happening with traditional music but that won't happen I'm afraid....
But anyways, unfortunately, this is only the half album I'm giving you, that's all I got from the person who send me this, but, It's A Great Half Album!