Thursday, August 6, 2020


Here's a mix I did for Internet Public Radio, up since tonight, jaipong and other genres....



  1. Really great for the most part. The sound quality is fantastic. What is that opening track with the Balinese music & female vocalist?

  2. Hey - My latest release is out
    I will be using it as a way to raise money to help the victims of the recent blast in Beirut. All proceeds raised this month from any aboombong purchase will go to who provides frontline relief to victims.

    Spread the word.

  3. @ Timmy That is REAL jaipong from the Jugala Group from Bandung, unreleased track called Kawung Anten :)

    Here's a practice session I filmed with the dance that goes with it, 2 years ago:

    @ Icastico Cool, will listen to it later today when I get home again :)

  4. The repertoire of Kawung Anten dance which is created by Gugum Gumbira in the 1990s is a different repertoire with his previous works. In this work, Gugum Gumbira oriented on a story and appeared characterization, the figure of a princess from Sumedang Larang Kingdom named Kawung Anten, the daughter of one of the warlord named Jaya Perkosa. Meanwhile the previous works of Gugum Gumbira usually oriented on daily life, such as: Daun Pulus Keser Bojong, Rendeng Bojong, Rawayan, Pencug Bojong, and others. This is what appeals to the performer so that this repertoire is chosen as the material for the Final Examination of concentration on Dance Presentation. The formulation of the problem is how to realize the concept of developing the choreography of the repertoire Kawung Anten into a new form of artistic work, especially related to the style of presentation. Thus, to realize the dance presentation in the process of exposing the source, the performer conducted choreography bugging process and deepening the dance material, while to form its own work, using "dance composition" approach method that is related to the presentation style so that it essentially does not change the existing movements. The results of the bugging and deepening process in Padepokan Jugala provide an opportunity to answer the formulated problems, so the result is the embodiment of the concept of developing a new presentation style in the dance of Kawung Anten.
