Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Here's a degung cassette from E. Tjarmedi and his Parahyangan Group.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!


  1. I can't tell if that cover features a photo of an old fashioned observatory or a Buddhist crematorium. And for some reason, it's driving me nuts.

  2. It's the Bosscha Observatorium, I can actually see it from the back of my garden :) They fucked up badly, there's not supposed to be any buildings around it, light pollution, but the super corrupt ex mayor Dada Rosada, in jail for quite a few years because he stole funds meant for projects for the poorest of the poor while already filthy rich, he sold permits to the super rich, mostly Jakartans to build super luxury villa's on the mountain where the observatorium is, so now it doesn't function as well anymore because of light pollution.... And that's only one thing that that bastard did to the detriment of the City of Bandung, there's lots, lots more, don't get me started :) https://bosscha.itb.ac.id/en/

  3. Well, they've got the telescope. They could move it somewhere. And I must say, it's a pretty cool building.

  4. Heh :) Bosscha's observatorium is one of Bandung's most important landmarks, historically speaking, like Villa Isolda or the Savoy-Homan and Preanger hotela... What they really, really, really should do is tell the people that build their illegal villa's there, "sorry, but you KNEW IT'S ILLEGAL TO BUILD HERE and demolish them.... A problem in A LOT of places here and the cause of loads of problems, specially floods en earth avalanches because they were build on very important water catchment areas... The puncak between Bogor and Bandung.... Puncelut area in bandung, places in Lembang and Dago.... A LOT in the area where I live actually.....

  5. This Dada Rosada sounds like a real piece of work.

  6. Loads and loads like him here I'm afraid.... But then again... our so called leaders aren't all that much different
