Thursday, May 26, 2022


Yan Berlin Panjaitan was a singer of Batak pop songs in the 70's and 80's and he put out loads of albums with religious (Christian) music. He was also a vocal teacher at the RRI Radio Vocal Studio from 1978 to 1985, and many of his students became popular artists such as Ozzi Syahputra, Heydi Diana, Maya Angela, Jayanti Mandasari, Wahyu OS, Rama Aiphama, Oce Ririmasse, Laurenz Sahertian and others.... In 2017 he was on his way home in Jakarta in an angkot (a form of public transport here, a microlet) the driver started driving while he was still getting out, he fell, rolled over and plunged off the overfly they were on. He died 6 days later in a hospital from his injuries, aged 65.... Here's a lovely krontjong album from him.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

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