Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Here's an album from the Central Collection Symphony Orchestra and thanks to Yoshio for letting me know who this is.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!


  1. 中央集団交响乐隊演奏 – (交响诗 - 保卫延安 /穆桂英挂帅)
    the Central Collection Symphony Orchestra
    – (Symphonic Poetry – Defending Yan’an/Commanded by Mu Guiying)

    Side A
    中央乐团交响乐队演奏 李德伦指挥
    Symphonic Poem "Defending Yan'an"
    Composed by Luo Zhongrong, Zhang Renfu, Deng Zongan and Ma Yudi
    Performed by the Central Orchestra Symphony Orchestra conducted by Li Delun

    Side B
    中央乐团交响乐队演奏 张孔凡指挥

    Symphonic Poem "Mu Guiying Takes Command"
    1. Introduction
    2. Reminiscing about the past in Tianbo Mansion
    3. Liao soldiers invaded
    4. Take command and go on an expedition
    Created by the Amateur Composition Group of the Central Orchestra Symphony Orchestra
    Performed by the Central Orchestra Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Zhang Kongfan

    Thanks for Everything fhlew666

    Side B Mu Guiying
    She Taijun's grandson-in-law is the main force of the Yang Family Generals. Because twenty years ago, the Yang Family Generals were cold-shouldered by the King of Song, so they refused to go to war, but under the urging of She Taijun's determination to fight against the enemy, they regenerated the heart to serve the country, and gladly took over the seal and prepared to go to war.
    From https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A9%86%E6%A1%82%E8%8B%B1%E6%8C%82%E5%B8%85/7838696

    During the Northern Song Dynasty, the generals of the Yang family either died in battle or were murdered by treacherous officials. She Taijun, who hated the Song King, falsely accused the loyal ministers of resigning from the court and returned to the original county. Twenty years later, the King of Western Xia rebelled. Taijun misses the court and orders Yang Wenguang and Yang Jinhua to go to Bianjing to enquire. When Yang Wenguang and Jinhua entered the capital, they saw all the generals of the court competing in a martial arts competition to select a marshal, so Wenguang took the opportunity to go down to the court and chopped Wang Lun on his horse. The King of Song wanted to behead Wenguang, but Kou Zhun guaranteed his honour. The King of Song asked about Wenguang's life, and instead of asking about the crime of murder, he gave him the seal of command, and ordered his mother, Mu Guiying, to go to war as commander-in-chief. Guiying was already over half a hundred years old and had been away from the army for a long time. When she saw Wenguang bring back the seal of command, she knew that he had chopped Wang Lun with a knife and wanted to tie him up and ask for punishment at the Golden Palace. Yang Jinhua asks She Taijun to intervene. When She Taijun saw the seal of command, she encouraged and persuaded Mu Guiying with her great righteousness. Mu Guiying, mindful of the safety of the country, took the seal and went to war. After a bloody battle, she defended the Song Dynasty.
    From same as above

    MRHI aka 余错了

  2. Um blogue muito interessante só é de lamentar que se use o mp3 como compressão, o Flac seria o mais indicado, por exemplo, para este disco.

  3. Thanks Yoshio! And NO! Mp3 is good enough flacs are TOO BIG to be practical for a blog like this
