Friday, August 6, 2021

C O N S O L I D A T E D - U N I T Y O F O P P R E S S I O N

Here's an ep from Consolidated who were a very political early 90's hip hop crew from America.... They came and did a concert in my home town Rotterdam, must've been around '92 or'93 or so, I had to work in the cafe so I couldn't make it but after the concert a lot of folks came to the cafe, seems this band liked to preach a lot on stage, so much so that people got sick of it and started to shout and protest and tell them to just get on with it and play and stop the preaching, a friend, Wouter, shouted "Er Moet Meer Geneukt Worden!!!" (There should be more fucking!!!) and fights broke out.... Too bad I had to work, I would've loved to see them live and their overall message is as relevant as ever if not even more so these days.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

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