Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Kliningan music from Titim Fatimah, Oma Irama & Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Group. Titim Fatimah is one of my all time favorite artists, she was a kliningan singer and singing in wayang orchestras. She was President Sukarno's favorite singer and when he had important (foreign) guests in the palace in Bogor he would invite Titim Fatimah to come and sing. She and the other great singer (sinden) from her era, the late 1950's and 1960's, Upit Sarimanah, were responsible for the so-called "Krisis Sinden", people would come to wayang shows, not to see the dalang (wayang puppet player) but to hear Titim or Upit sing and they would be sitting on an elevated platform above the dalang, something that was just not done in those times, and the dalang refused to perform for a while. When Titim or Upit would perform, often riots would break out, hysteria like the hysteria at Beatles concerts years before The Beatles got famous, but when they would start singing people would quiet down, mesmerized by the kliningan music and especially the singing. Where Upit Sarimanah's music was more geared toward the upper classes Titim Fatimah's singing and music was more geared towards "the rakyat", the common people, and her music is less refined, more raw, and in the 60's for a while she was the highest paid artist in Indonesia.... One this album she is joined by Rhoma Irama (who at that time was still going by the name Oma Irama), music by Inen Saputra and the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Group.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

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