Friday, August 16, 2024


An album from singer Tang Yun who, I think, was from Hong Kong. Comes with a little booklet that I included in the download.... GET IT HERE Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. 唐韻
    Originally known as Ting Pui Fong, born in 1942, she won the first prize in the 1968 Hong Kong Ying Ying Singing Contest with the song ‘Staying in Love’, and then joined the Mayor Records label for five years, recording an album called ‘Intoxicated by You’, and at the same time, there was another version of ‘Whom to Fall in Love With’, but with the same song. According to the report of the magazine ‘Hong Kong Singing Stars’, Tang Wan moved to the United States after getting married in 1970 and retired from the music industry, but it was finally learnt from her family that she had stayed in Hong Kong, only going to Shanghai for a short time to help her husband in his business. However, it was learnt from her family that Tang Wan had stayed in Hong Kong and only travelled to Shanghai for a short period of time to help her husband with his business.
